
Things I Am Afraid Of

Aren’t fears such a funny thing? I honestly think fears and phobias are really strange! Why am I so afraid of the things I’m afraid of? What do I think is going to happen if I encounter these things? God knows. But either way, they scare the shit out of me! 

So what exactly am I afraid of?

I’ve been afraid of needles for as long as I can remember, and this is the only fear of mine I wish I could completely erase! It’s honestly a huge inconvenience to my life for a few reasons: I want tattoos, I want my ears pierced, and I need a blood test.
I can just about handle vaccinations, but the thought of blood tests is way too much, and I’m trying to convince myself I could cope with getting my ears pierced – but so far, it’s not happening!

…and bugs in general.
Anything that flies, buzzes, crawls or anything of the sort just creeps me out. I don’t care that moths and flies are harmless, I don’t care that some spiders are tiny – they are all awful, and I don’t want any of them within 20 feet of me!

The Dark
I am getting a little better at this the older I get, but I still much prefer to sleep with the light my essential oil diffuser or my TV on. If my boyfriend is sleeping over, I’m fine, but if I’m on my own? I’d rather have a small light on.
   Sometimes I’m absolutely fine, but for some reason, I often seem to convince myself that the creepy guy from “Insidious” or “Sinister” or “The Babadook” or whatever, is going to end up in my bedroom – I don’t understand it, and it’s bloody annoying!

Now, this is a weird one for me, because I’m not 100% sure that this is an actual fear for me.
I went on a school trip in year 7 where we had the opportunity to do abseiling, high ropes, zip wires, etc, and in all fairness, yes, I was pretty scared of doing it – but in 2015, my family and I went to America and visited the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington which I agreed to go up. I wasn’t scared whilst I was up there, but I did end up feeling quite dizzy, so I had to sit down.
So I’m not 100% sure on this one, but I’ll count it anyway!

I’ve had awful experiences with dentists due to my needle phobia, so the thought of going back to a dentist makes me incredibly anxious, however, it would be nice to find a dentist who is understanding, as I would like to be okay with going!

Horror Movies
Don’t get me wrong, I do like horror movies and I will watch them, but I would never watch them alone, and I would never watch them with someone at night if I was going to be on my own afterwards.
   Horror movies always end up putting me on edge – and I know that’s what they are meant to do, but I don’t even like scrolling past the horror section on Netflix if I’m alone at night!

Deep Water
I’m nineteen years old and I can’t swim, which is pretty shocking, to be honest. It’s not that I can’t swim at all though, it’s just that the second I can’t touch the bottom and have the majority of my head above the water, I panic, and then I can’t swim.
I’ve had some close calls in the water where I’ve thought the water was shallower than it was – so I think my fear of water stems from there!

Are you/were you afraid of any of these things? 
How did you overcome them?

Let me know – especially with needle phobias! 


32 thoughts on “Things I Am Afraid Of”

      1. I have no idea! Whenever I was little and used to go to castles etc I just froze and couldn’t go up them! Same with steps that had gaps in between, luckily I’ve grown out of that now!x

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      2. I have to admit, I was in La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, and to get down the towers you have to walk down a HUGE spiral staircase with no railing! It wasn’t the most fun – would’ve been a long way to fall if someone lost their balance!


  1. I have a huge phobia of spiders and it’s honestly awful because I get ridiculously anxious over them and sometimes panic attacks. I don’t really have any advice for it but at least you’ll know it isn’t just you! I’m also not a massive fan of heights.

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      1. They always seem to end up in my bedroom too 😭 I had 7 HUGE spiders in my room a couple of years ago in the space of three months! I don’t know where they all came from!
        That was the first big one I’d had since then, and only a week before I had been thinking “wow, I haven’t had a spider in my room for a long time…” 🤦‍♀️

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      2. Aww yeahh I hate how they seem to appear from nowhere. That’s loads!!😱 I get so paranoid after I’ve seen one as well, like I start checking rooms before entering them and under my duvet before I get into bed (because once there was a massive spider there and it’s creeped me out ever since). Why are they such scary creatures😭

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  2. I hate needles too, I’m the opposite to you though, I’ve gotten better at blood test but the idea of an injection freaks me out! Deep water is an understandable fear. I kinda like horror movies though 😛

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Take someone with you to the blood test so you can talk to them and be distracted 🙂

        I don’t know if I could watch horror movies alone either 😂


  3. The dentist is my biggest phobia, but not because of needles. I also had a bad experience as a kid; she was a complete jerk which makes it so much worse. Still haven’t figured out how to overcome it ☹️
    Maybe listening to music would help distract you with the needle thing?

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    1. Yeah mine wanted to give me an injection so he could do a root canal filling and I said no and cried so he yelled at me 😦 it’s been like four years since and I still haven’t been to a dentist and still haven’t had the filling!
      But yeah I think if I go for a blood test I’ll need some numbing cream, a hand to hold, and some headphones!

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  4. I’m the same with literally all of these, especially needles and the dentist 🙈 I’ve managed to face some of mine, including needles. I went and donated blood. I’ve donated three times now, once on my own too. I’m absolutely terrified of the pain associated with it (which I don’t think will ever go away) but the blood donation team are amazing when I tell them and they do their best to make sure it’s as pain free as possible. I even didn’t cry the last time I went 😂

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  5. I shouldn’t comment, because I don’t really have any fears like you’ve mentioned, but, it was really thought provoking and I’m trying to get better at commenting.
    All that said, my family has an odd relationship with heights.

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