
TBR: Recent Book Buys

As a result of the dreaded C-word, I’ll be staying indoors likely for the next few weeks, and so I rushed out to Waterstones and picked up four books to keep me going. Find out which books I chose.

blogtober, Favourites, Reviews

October Reading Recommendations

The Bone Keeper by Luca Veste You can read my full review for this book from last Blogtober here, but I couldn't write this post without giving this book a mention.    This was the perfect book to read in the Halloween season, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who loves a crime /… Continue reading October Reading Recommendations

Blogtober 2018

Ways To Fall Back in Love with Reading

Over the last year or so, I well and truly fell deep into a reading slump. As someone who has adored books and reading from such a young age, it's honestly heartbreaking to lose motivation and love for something that has been such a big part of my life. Here's some things that help me get out of my reading slumps!