Self-Care and Well-Being

Anxiety & Winter Self Care

Life get's so overwhelming sometimes, and it's so important to take regular steps back and just let yourself breathe - but admittedly, I'm not very good at doing that, and not everyone is. This time of year is pretty rough anyway; the air is cold, the sky is grey, it's rainy, windy, potentially snowy, and… Continue reading Anxiety & Winter Self Care

Self-Care and Well-Being

Looking After your Mental Health on Social Media

Social media, as much as it can be a beautiful thing, has a dark side. As much as many people hate to admit it, social media has a huge influence over our day to day lives, and we often spend much more time on social media than we should. I know I spend way too… Continue reading Looking After your Mental Health on Social Media

Blogmas, Self-Care and Well-Being

Habits to Introduce in 2019

Following on from one of my recent posts, Habits to Break in 2019, I thought I'd write another post coming in from a different angle: Habits to Introduce in 2019, as one good method for breaking bad habits, is to replace them with new (and more positive) ones.